Sunday, June 19, 2016

Stories of battles lost, won and ongoing against cancer: fundraiser creates friendships and other top stories.

  • Stories of battles lost, won and ongoing against cancer: fundraiser creates friendships

    Stories of battles lost, won and ongoing against cancer: fundraiser creates friendships
    OGDENSBURG — For the 13th year, residents of St. Lawrence County have rallied together in Ogdensburg to celebrate, remember and support those who have lost, won or continue to fight against cancer.Nearly 200 people gathered Saturday afternoon for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life at Grant C. Madill Elementary School, on what may have been the hottest day of the year.Organizers continued to remind participants to stay hydrated, with free bottles of water being handed out throughou..
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  • Research Reveals Possibility Of Memory Restoration In Alzheimer's Patients

    Research Reveals Possibility Of Memory Restoration In Alzheimer's Patients
    A new research has revealed the first of its kind success in treating early Alzheimer's disease (AD) or its precursors. Exceptional progress has been noted in the outcomes of quantitative MRI and neuropsychological testing. The tests were performed after the ten participating patients underwent a treatment involving a programmatic and personalized therapy. The new technique was named metabolic enhancement for neurodegeneration. The outcomes of this technique are accessible online in the journa..
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  • Virginia Mason warns 650 of possible hepatitis B exposure

    Virginia Mason warns 650 of possible hepatitis B exposure
    By The Associated Press Published: June 18, 2016, 6:11 PM
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Boston can learn a lot on Brooklyn's waterfront .Study Says Coffee May Not Give You The Boost You Think It Does .
Here's who bought the Millennium Tower's penthouse .Omar Mateen scouted Disney complex, Pulse, official says .

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